We live in Canada. It’s a great country with lots going for it. But it does have its drawbacks. If you live here too, you know what I’m talking about. It’s the weather.
Nobody can prepare for the cold like Canadians can. While our friends south of the border shut down entire cities after a couple centimetres of snow, we dutifully dig our cars out of the snow and show up for work.
Even when the wind hurts your face the minute you step outside.
Wouldn’t it be easier to go from your warm house to your warm car, skipping the several minutes of frigidity as you rub your hands in front of the heating vents? Having a remote car starter installed in your car will give you just that.
This is the most comfortable way to deal with Canadian winters. But there’s more to it than just comfort.
Starting a cold engine and giving it a few moments to warm up before driving it can increase the longevity of your engine, giving you a vehicle that will serve you for years to come.
And while starting it with your key before you leave is possible, this is not only inconvenient; it also puts your car at risk.
A car remote starter will start your engine, but as soon as you put your car into gear and try to drive it, the engine will shut off. This provides a
built-in anti theft system
which you’ll be glad you had if anything happens. Of course, a remote start system increases your vehicle’s resale value as well.
A remote starter is an electronic device that interfaces with your vehicle's keyless entry/security system to provide a "remote" location starting capability to your vehicle. The most common form of a remote starter uses a separate key FOB (remote) with buttons to remote start as well as lock/unlock your vehicle's doors. Some shops will not enable the lock/unlock features of the remote starter (or charge you a hidden fee) saving the shop installation time and money while charging you for what at first appears to be a cheaper overall installation (that's because it is).
Ask the questions, "Am I getting remote start AND door lock/unlock features on the aftermarket FOB for the quoted price? Does it include (1) or (2) remote FOBS? Many shops will only give you a single remote FOB and charge extra for any additional FOBs you need.
Current technology on most vehicles from 2010 and up allows remote starting capability from your factory FOB!
This is a cheaper and more convenient way of getting factory equivalent remote starting capability without having to carry additional FOBS. This is commonly referred to as a 3xlock start (lock-lock-lock from your factory FOB). The only drawback of this option is distance from which you can remote start your vehicle as it is limited by the range of your factory FOB. However, if you can lock or unlock your vehicle from where you plan to remote start it, this is a perfect solution at a lower cost and convenience. Before you make the final decision get the facts as price is not everything.
What should you be asking your potential remote starter installation provider? Do you solder all of your vehicle wiring connections? This is so very important and is something that should not be compromised. A poor connection can leave you stranded if a key wiring connection comes undone due to poor installation practices. Do you wrap the wiring in fabric tape to protect the wiring and enhance the cosmetics of the installation? This is especially important when installing an alarm system as "free floating" wiring is a magnet for would-be thieves to be able to easily identify aftermarket product installations and disable your alarm. When the wiring is fabric wrapped (black) it is very difficult to determine what is factory and what is not.
Can you add a remote starter to a manual transmission vehicle (MTV)? Yes. However, many shops do not offer this service as MTVs are more complex and do not follow the mold of traditional automatic transmission vehicles. There is an extra fee for this installation of typically $100-$150 plus parts. If the shop you choose does not offer manual transmission vehicle starters, then find another shop as this will be a telltale sign of the shop's experience and technical know-how.
Did you know that remote starter/alarm installers must be Ministry of Labour licensed journeyman technicians? Do not get a remote starter/alarm installed by an unlicensed installer as this will void your factory warranty and your insurance company can actually deny a claim of damage to your vehicle in case of an electrical fire in your vehicle as a result of a remote starter/alarm installation performed by an unlicensed installer.
At CarPhonix there are no hidden fees for features that are already included in the remote starter package. Anything that can be enabled is included in our price along with professional, soldered and fabric wrapped wiring and (2) remotes.
No hidden fees and no surprises at CarPhonix.
Keyless entry is the locking or unlocking of the vehicle doors using a remote key fob. Some vehicles do not come with power locks, or they have power locks but no remote to lock or unlock the vehicle. A keyless entry system provides the remote capability of doing this, especially from further away.
This allows for greater safety of entering your vehicle in dark areas as it is much faster than trying to find the right key and fitting it into the lock. They can also come enabled with an alarm button built into the key fob, allowing you to set off a panic sound to ward off anyone nearby (or to help you find your vehicle in those crowded parking lots!).
Here at CarPhonix, we can install a keyless remote system onto any vehicle!
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